A game in which you are trapped inside your head. You have to turn off all the beacons to unlock your way out.

- Inspired by ''The Fog'' by William Henry Davies

Movement > wasd

Use object > MB1


Intro - Scott Buckley - Filaments

Outro - Bob Bleedy - Sniffer Dogs

Sounds used: 

Tim Gormly: spooky atmosphere

neospica: body falling

doty21: hard static loop

garuda1982 : machine click rattle sound effect

inspectorj: wind realistic

kangaroovindaloo: medium wind, light wind

Assets used:

weissegames: water tower

worldsine: sci-fi door

kobra game studios: chainlink fences

pior oberson: female mannequin

cgy: atm

vis games: tents

aleksey kozhemyakin: abandoned buildings

pixel games: street bench

il.ranch: dream forest tree

yann: silent mist

aedan graves: super character control

bg studio: 8k skybox pack free

stroboskop: terrain textures

brian su: v-light volumetric lights

Made withUnity

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